
  MSME-DI (Formarly SISI) | Autonomous Bodies 

        A vast network of field organisations and institutes across the country operate according to the aims, objectives and guidelines laid down by Developmet Commissioner (MSME).

Organisation Chart

Apart from above, a number of other Centres are in establishment stage which includes the 15 new Technology Centres under TCSP Scheme, 20 new Technology Centres under TCEC/Hub & Spokes Scheme and 100 new Extension Centres under TCEC/Hub & Spokes Scheme spread across the country.

Organisational Structure

The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (M/o MSME) is the administrative Ministry in the Government of India for all matters relating to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. It designs and implements policies and programmes through its field organisations and attached offices for promotion and growth of MSME sector.

The Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME) is an attached office of the Ministry of MSME, and is the apex body to advise, coordinate and formulate policies and programmes for the development and promotion of the MSME Sector. The office also maintains liaison with Central Ministries and other Central/State Government agencies/organisations financial institutions.

Institutional Network

The Development Commissioner (MSME) have a network of 32 MSME-Development Institute(MSME-DI), 27 Br. MSME-Development Institute(Br. MSME-DI), 4 MSME-Testing Centres (MSME-TCs), 7 MSME-Testing Stations (MSME-TSs), 21 Autonomous bodies which include 10 Tool Rooms (TRs) and Tool Design Institutes (TDI), 4 MSME-Technology Development Center(MSME-TDC), 2 MSME-Technology Development Center-Footwear(MSME-TDC), 1 Electronics Service & Training Centre (ESTC), 1 Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments (IDEMI) 2 National Level Training Institutes, and 1 Departmental Training Institute and one Production Center.

MSME-Testing Center (MSME-TC) (Formerly Regional Testing Centers(RTCs))

  1. Provide Testing facilities for quality upgradation
  2. Training/constancy in testing, quality control, quality management
  3. Process quality control systems, etc.
  4. Product specific testing facilities are provided by MSME-Testing Stations(MSME-TSs)

Tool Rooms/Tool Design Institutes (TRs/TDI)

  1. To assist MSMEs in technical up gradation, provide good quality tooling by designing and producing tools, moulds, jigs & fixtures, components, etc.
  2. Provide Training and consultancy for tool and die markers.

MSME-Technology Development Center(MSME-TDC) (Formerly Product-cum-Process Development Centers (PPDCs))

These are product specific Centers to:

  1. look into their specific problems and render technical service
  2. Develop and upgrade technologies
  3. Manpower development and training

MSME-Technology Development Center-Footwear(MSME-TDC) (Formerly Central Footwear Training Institutes (CFTIs))

  1. Develop footwear designing to promote exports
  2. Training for manpower in Footwear Industry.

Other Associated Agencies

  1. National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) for technology and marketing support
  2. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) an apex bank set up to provide direct/indirect financial assistance under different schemes to meet credit needs of the small-scale sector and to coordinate the functions of other institutions in similar activities.
  3. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) assists the development and promotion and disbursal of rural and traditional industries in rural and town areas.

State Level Institutional Support

  1. State Government executes different promotional and developmental projects/schemes and provide a number of supporting incentives for development and promotion of  MSME sector in their respective States.
  2. These are executed through State Directorate of Industries, who have District Industries Centers (DICs) under them to implement Central/State Level schemes.
  3. The State Industrial Development & Financial Institutions and State Financial Corporations also look after the needs of the MSME sector.
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Address of Field Offices under DC-MSME