Promotion of MSMEs. in N.E.Region and Sikkim

Key Benefits:

1.Setting up new and modernization of existing Mini Technology Centres: Financial assistance up to 90% of the total project cost (maximum assistance Rs.13.50 Cr.) The balance project cost if any have to be borne by the State Govt.
2. Development of new and existing Industrial Estates: Financial assistance up to 90% of the total project cost (The maximum GoI assistance per project shall be Rs.13.50 Crore for development of New industrial estate whereas Rs.9.00 crore for development of existing Industrial Estate). The balance project cost if any have to be borne by the State Govt.
3. Development of Tourism Sector: The financial assistance of Government of India will be 90% (maximum assistance Rs.4.50 Cr.). The balance project cost if any have to be borne by the State Govt.

Scheme Applicable for:

State Government organizations/ departments engaged in promotion of MSMEs.

How to apply:

State Government organizations/departments can apply as per scheme guidelines through Click Here


The Ministry of MSME is working for development of MSMEs in the country. However, a need has been felt for special treatment as far as development of MSMEs in North Eastern Region & Sikkim is concerned. With this objective in mind, a special scheme for ‘Promotion of MSMEs in North Eastern Region and Sikkim’ was launched. The main object of the scheme is for enhancing the productivity and competitiveness as well as capacity building of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and to create/upgrade infrastructural facilities in the new/existing Industrial Areas in NER and Sikkim.Looking into immense scope of tourism sector in NER and Sikkim, projects for creation of common services such as kitchen, bakery, laundry & dry cleaning, refrigeration and cold storage, IT infra, potable water, display centre for local products, centre for cultural activities etc. in a cluster of home stays may be considered.

Contact Person:

Shri U.C. Shukla, Director(NER), O/o DC(MSME), New Delhi

NER & Sikiim Scheme
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