Year, Authority and purpose of the award
In the light of the PART VII of Allocation of Business Rules of Ministry of MSME (Earlier Ministry of Small Scale Industries) Government Of India, there is a provision of Awards and Exhibitions ; namely
1. National Awards for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, including khadi, cottage, village and coir industries.
2. National Awards for Research and Development Efforts by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, including khadi, cottage, village and coir industries.
3. National Awards for Quality Products, including khadi, cottage, village and coir industries.
Award details
Highest award in the country for MSMEs.
- Certificate signed by AS& DC(MSME)
- Cash Prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Special Recognition Prize
The MSMEs in continuous production/ services during the last four years. Award will be conferred to the deserving Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises.Qualifying marks, as per the criteria for consideration by the National Level Selection Committee(NLSC), is 60% (50% in case of SC/ST, PH and NER including Sikkim entrepreneur) and not to be considered for the same or lower award in the subsequent 5 years in the category.
Number and categories of Awards
As per the schemes of National MSME Awards, following are the categories & provision of number of awards(at present):-
National Awards for Product/ Process Innovation-(6 Awards)
(i) First, Second and Third winner in Micro & Small Enterprises; and
(ii) First, Second and Third winner in Medium Enterprises
National Awards for Outstanding Efforts in Entrepreneurship (Manufacturing)-(14 Awards)
(i) First, Second, Third & Special Awards to the best Divyang Entrepreneur winner in Micro Enterprises.
(ii) First, Second, Third, Special Awards to Women Entrepreneur, Special Awards to SC/ST Entrepreneur, Special Awards to NER Entrepreneur and Special Award to the best Divyang Entrepreneur winner in Small Enterprises.
(iii) First, Second, Third winner in Medium Enterprises
National Awards for Outstanding Efforts in Entrepreneurship (Services)-(4 Awards)
(i) First, Second, Third & Special Awards to the best Divyang Entrepreneur winner in Micro & Small (Services) Enterprises.
National Awards for Lean Manufacturing Techniques (3 Awards)
(i) First winner in Micro Enterprises
(ii) First winner in Small Enterprises.
(iii)First winner in Medium Enterprises.
National Awards for Quality Products - (10 Awards)
(i) One winner from each product group (Ten product groups have been selected)
National Awards for Outstanding Exports-(20 Awards)
(i) First and Second winner in outstanding Export performance in Micro (Manufacturing).
(ii)First, Second, Special Awards to Women Entrepreneur, Special Awards to SC/ST Entrepreneur and Special Awards to NER Entrepreneur winner in Small Enterprises (Manufacturing).
(iii)Outstanding Export performance award in Medium Enterprises (Manufacturing).
(iv)Outstanding Export performance award in Micro & Small Enterprises (Services).
(v)Outstanding Export performance award in Medium (Services).
(vi)Outstanding Export performance in Ten selected Products in Micro, Small &Medium Enterprises.
Outstanding Performance Awards to the MSME Department of the State/UTs - (3 Awards)
(i) First, Second & Third Awards to the State/UTs for their contribution in the Promotion & Development of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises in their respective States/UTs.
Nomination process
1. Submission of applications are invited every year (online from 2015 year of award) from the MSMEs & STATEs/UTs.
2. Self assessment / marking done and submitted to the online system
Selection process
MSME-Development Institute(MSME-DI) of the respective state scrutinize the online submitted/ received application and submits before the STATE LEVEL SELECTION COMMITTEE(SLSC) for recommendation to the NATIONAL LEVEL SELECTION COMMITTEE(NLSC) for consideration at the apex level for final selection of the awardees.
1. Secretary, Department of MSME/Industries of State Govt./UT - Chairman
2. Director of MSME/Industries, State Govt. -Member
3.One Representative each from two State Level MSME Association -Member
4. Director, MSME-DI -Member Convener
1. Additional Secretary & Development Commissioner(MSME),M/o MSME, Govt. of India
2. Two Secretaries, Department of Industries of State Govt. to be nominated by Govt. of India, -Member
3. Managing Director, National Research Development
Corporation (NRDC),or his nominee, -Member
4. Director General, BIS or his nominee, -Member
5. Representative of Two MSME Industry Association to be nominated by Hon’ble Union Minister (MSME)
6. Three industrialists to be nominated by Hon’ble Union Minister (MSME) -Member
7. Divisional Head/ Nodal Officer of the National Award Scheme, O/o DC (MSME) -Member Convener
After due deliberations on the SLSC recommended application at the national level, the NLSC recommends the final list of applicants for consideration and approval of the Hon’ble Union Minister of MSME.
-Deadline As per the Guidelines/ Proposal approved by the
-Announcement Hon’ble Union Minister for MSME
-Conferred by Hon’ble President/ Vice-President/ Prime Minister/ Minister of MSME as per the consent.
Contact Details:
Pawan Kumar Singh ,Assitant Director Gr-I,O/o DC(MSME)
Email Id:
Telephone No: 011-23063342