Procurement and Marketing Support (Sanction Order)

Procurement and Marketing Support (Sanction Order)
S No Subject Date Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs. 80,000/- (Rupees Eighty Thousand Only) to MSME-DFO for reimbursement to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) towards participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2023-24 under PMS scheme component S(A) IS(l)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs I exhibitions across the country- reg. 14/10/2024 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 2,75,800/- (Rupees Two Lakh Seventy Five Thousand and Eight Hundred Only) to MSME-DFO for reimbursement to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) towards participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2023-24 under PMS scbeme component 5(A) 15(1)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs I exhibitions across the country- reg. 14/10/2024 Open Details
Sanction to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2024- 25 under PMS scheme component 5(A)/5(1)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs / exhibitions across the country - reg. 08/10/2024 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 45,47,400/- (Rupees Forty Five Lakh Forty Seven Thousand and Four Hundered Only) to MSME-DFO for reimbursement to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)towards partici~ation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY2023- 24 under PMS scheme component 5(A)/5(1)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs / exhibitions across the country - reg. 24/09/2024 Open Details
Allocation of progranmes and sanction of an amount of Rs 76,00,000/- (Rupees Seventy Six lakhs only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) for organizing VDPslNational Workshops/Seminars during FY 2024-25 under Component "5(J)(C) & 5(II)(D) : VDPs/ National Workshops/Seminars" of new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 23/09/2024 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs. 39,96,180/- (Thirty Nine lakh, Ninety Six Thousand & One Hundred Eighty only) to MSME Development and Fa~ilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) during FY 2024-25 under Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme of MoMSME-reg 23/09/2024 Open Details
Sanction to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) particlpatlon in Domestic Trade Fairs under PMS scheme component 5(A) /5(1)A : Participation of tndtvidual MSEs in domesfic trade fairs /exhibitions across the country - reg 10/09/2024 Open Details
Sanctions to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during Fy 2O23-24 under PMS scheme component 5(1)A: Participation of lndividual MSEs in domestic trade fairs / exhibrtions across the country - reg 10/09/2024 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs.81,10,500/- (Eighty One Lakh, Ten Thousand, Five Hundred only) to The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.(NSIC), New Delhi. 28/08/2024 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs 3,59,00,000/- (Rupees Three Crore-s Fifty Nine lakh only)to MSME DeveloPment and Facilitation offices(MISME.DFOS)for organizing Development programme (VDP) & ,National workshops/seminars" during Fy 2024-25 under Procuiement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 21/08/2024 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs.81,10,500/- (Eighty One Lakh, Ten Thousand, Five Hundred only) to The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.(NSIC), New Delhi. 28/08/2024 Open Details
Corrigendum to Sanction Order No. 5(5)/2020-21/MS/EC/Pt-II/1 (E-4022055)d ted 08.07.2024- reg 08/08/2024 Open Details
Sanctions to MSME-DFOsfor reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2023-24 under PMS scheme component' 5(1)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs / exhibitions across the country - reg. 26/07/2024 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanctions Orders to MSME-DFOs for an amount of Rs Rs. 2,86,722 (Rupee Two Lakb Eighty Six Thousand Seven Hundered and Twenty Two Only) issued in FY 2023-24 under the scheme component 5(A) / 5(l)A : Participation of individual MSEs in Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions of the Procurement and Marketing Support Scheme. 22/07/2024 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 16,28,767 (Rupees Sixteen Lakh Twenty Eight Thousa*d and Seven Hundered Sixty Seven Only) to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) towards participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2023-24 under rMS scheme component 5(A) /5(1)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs / exhibitions across the country - reg. 22/07/2024 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs. 42,08,104/- (Rupees Forty Two Lakh, Eight Thousan I& One Hundred Four only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) during FY 2024-25 under Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme of MoMSME-reg. 09/07/2024 Open Details
Sanctions to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participation in Domestic Trade Fairs under PMS scheme component S(A) /S(l)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs / exhibitions across the country - reg. 08/07/2024 Open Details
Sanctions to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2023-24 under PMS scheme component 5(A) /5(1)A: Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs I exhibitions across the country- reg. 08/07/2024 Open Details
Sanctions to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participation in Domestic Trade Fairs under PMS scheme component 5(A) I5(1)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs I exhibitions across the country- reg. 08/07/2024 Open Details
Allotment of funds of Rs. 80,00000/- (Rupees Eighty Lakhs only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) for organizing "Vendor Development Programme (VDP)" & "National Workshops/Seminars" during FY 2023-24 under Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg. 26/07/2023 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs. 6,55,00000/- (Rupees Six Crores Fifty Five Lakh only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) for organizing "Vendor Development programme (VDP)" & National Workshops/Seminars" during FY 2023-24 under Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 20/07/2023 Open Details
Allotment of funds of Rs. 10.8673001 Crores (Rupees Ten Crores Eighty Six Lakh Seventy Three Thousand and One Only) to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participation in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2021-22 and 2022-23 under PMS scheme component S(A) /5(1)A : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs I exhibitions across the country- reg. 18/05/2023 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakh only) to MSME Delelopment and Facilitation Office (MSME-DFOs) for organizing programmes under scheme component "S(IIXD) : National Workshops/Seminars" during FY 2023-24 as per new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 24/04/2023 Open Details
CORRIGENDUM : Sanction Order dt 10.02.2023 - Domestic Trade Fairs - PMS - 15.78 Cr 10/03/2023 Open Details
Allotment of funds of Rs. 10,00,000/- under Procurement and Marketing support (PMS) Scheme Component 5(II)D National Workshop/Seminars & 5(I)C Vendor Development Programme (VDP) during FY 2022-23 under new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) Scheme-reg 15/02/2023 Open Details
Allotment of funds of Rs. 15.78 Crores under Procurement and Marketing support (PMS) Scheme to MSME DFOs for reimbursement to Micro, Small enterprises (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fair during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5(A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs / exhibition across the country of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme guidelines (Revised) dt 20.11.2019 — reg 10/02/2023 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 94,22,000/- (Ninety Four Lakh and Twenty Two Thousand Only) to MSME - DFOs during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5(I)(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs / Exhibition by the Ministry / Office of DC(MSME) /Government Organization and 5(II)(E): Organizing National Workshops/ Seminars by the Ministry / Office of DC(MSME) - reg. 03/02/2023 Open Details
Corrigendum to Sanction Order No. 5(5)/2020-21/MS/ECPLIN_ (E-4022055) dated 31.01.2023-reg 03/02/2023 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 50.31 Crores (Rupees Fifty Crores and Thirty One Lac Only) to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to MSEs participated in Domestic Trade Fairs during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5 (A) : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs/exhibitions across the country of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme guidelines (Revised) dt 20.11.2019 and 5 (1) (A) : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs/ exhibitions across the country of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme guidelines dt 26.07.2022 - reg. 31/01/2023 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 39,82,000/- (Thirty Nine Lakh and Eighty Two Thousand Only) to MSME - DFO , Mumbai, during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5(I)(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs / Exhibition by the Ministry / Office of DC(MSME) / Government Organization - reg 18/01/2023 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs. 18,95,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Lakh Ninty Five Thousand only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Office-Ahmedabad for organizing programme under Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 03/01/2023 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs 2,20,00000/- (Rupees two crores twenty lakh only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) for organizing "Vendor Development programme (VDP)" & "National Workshops/Seminars" during FY 2022-23 under new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 03/01/2023 Open Details
Allotment of funds of Rs. 19,70,000/- under Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) Scheme Component 5(II)(D): National Workshops/Seminars" during FY 2022-23 as per new guidelines of Procurement and marketing Support (PMS) Scheme - reg 12/12/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 39,00,000/- (Thirty Nine Lakh Only) to MSME DFO , Nagpur, during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5(I)(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs Exhibition by the Ministry / Omce of Dc(MSME) /Government Organization - reg 22/09/2022 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs. 5,00000.00 (Rupees Five lakhs only) to MSME-DFO Mumbai for organizing programme under scheme component "50IXD) : National Workshops/Seminars" during FY 2022-23 as per new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme reg 15/09/2022 Open Details
Allotment of funds un{er Prccurement and Marketing Support (PMS) Scheme Component : 5(IIXD) National Workshops/Seminars" of new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) Scheme -reg 15/09/2022 Open Details
Sanction of an amount of Rs. 14,67,852.00 (Rupees Fourteen lakhs Sixty Seven Thousand Eignt Hundred and Fiftytwo only) to MSME Development and Facilitation OIIices (MSME-DFOs) for organizing National Workshops/Seminars under scheme component "S(II)(D) : National Workshops/Seminars" during Fy 2022-23 as per new guidelines of Procuremcnt and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 15/09/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 37,00,000/- (Thirty Seven Lakh Only) to MSME - DF0 , Mumbai, during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 51)(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs / Exhibition by the Ministry / Office of DC(MSME) /Government Organization reg 13/09/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 23,88,000/- (Twenty Three Lakhs and Eighty Eight Thousand Only) to MSME-DFOs for reimbursement to Micro , Small Enterprises (MSEs) (SC and ST eategory participating units) in Domestie Trade Fairs during FY 2021-22 under Scheme Component 5 (A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs/ exhibitions across the country of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme guidelines dated 20.11.2019 reg 13/09/2022 Open Details
Allocation of progranmes and sanction of an amount of Rs 1,55,00000/- (Rupees One Crore Fifty Five lakhs only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) for organizing National Workshops/Seminars during FY 2022-23 under Component “S(II)(D) : National Workshops/Seminars” of new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 12/08/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 37,OO,OOO/- (Thirty Seven Lakh Onlyl to MSME-DFO, Mumbai, during FY 2022-23 under Scheme ComPonent 5(I)(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs / Exhlbition by the Ministry / Office of DC(MSME) /Government Organization - reg. 12/08/2022 Open Details
Allocation of progranmes and sanction of an amount of Rs 2,15,00000/- (Rupees Two Crorc Fifteen Lakhs only) to MSME Development and Facilitation Offices (MSME-DFOs) for organizing Vendor Development Programmes (VDPs) during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component s(I)(C): "CPSE level Vendor Development Program cum Exhibition of Products" as per new guidelines of Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme-reg 03/08/2022 Open Details
Corrigendum regarding "Demand Number" for the Sanction Order issued till date during Fy 2022-23 .reg 25/07/2022 Open Details
Corrigendum regarding Sanction order No.5(5)/2020-21/MS/EC/Pt./172 Dated 07.06.2022 in respect of 14th Edition of Footwear India Exhibition held at Delhi During Financial Year 2021-22 .reg 25/07/2022 Open Details
Sanction Order 5(A) PMS dated 7th June 2022 .reg 07/06/2022 Open Details
Corrigendum to Sanction Order Nos. 5(1/2022-23/PMS/5BProposals/79 dated 11.05.2022 (Konkan Mahotsav) and 5(1/2022-23/PMS/5BProposals/80 dated 11.05.2022 (Sidhudurg Audvogik Mahotsav)- reg 25/05/2022 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders to National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) for an amount of Rs 39,82,504/- ( Rs. Thirty Nine Lakh Eighty Two Thousand Five Hundred and Four Only) issued in FY 2021-22 under the scheme component 5(A) : Participation of individual MSEs in Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) — reg. 12/05/2022 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders to MSME — DIs for an amount of Rs 76,54,501/- ( Rs Seventy Six Lakh Fifty Four Thousand Five Hundred and One Only) issued in FY 2021-22 under the scheme component 5(A) : Participation of individual MSEs in Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) — reg. 12/05/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 39,00,000/- (Thirty Nine Lakh Only) to MSME Development Institute , Mumbai, during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs / Exhibition by the Ministry / Office of DC(MSME) /Government Organization — reg. 12/05/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 39,00,000/- (Thirty Nine Lakh Only) to MSME Development Institute , Nagpur, during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs / Exhibition by the Ministry / Office of DCC(MSME) /Government Organization — reg. 12/05/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 39,53,222/- (Thirty Nine Lakh Fifty Three Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty Two Only) to MSME Development Institute , Guwahati, during FY 2022-23 under Scheme Component 5(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs / Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs / Exhibition by the Ministry / Office of DC(MSME) /Government Organization - reg 04/05/2022 Open Details
Coigendum to Sanction Order No. 5(5)/2020-21/MS/EC/Pt.1 dated 11.03.2022 for Sanction for an amount of Rs Rs 14,36,300/- to MSME Development Institute, Thrissur, during FY 2021-22 under Scheme Component 5(A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs/ exhibitions across the country of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (revised) - reg 23/03/2022 Open Details
Sanction for an amount of Rs 4,50,0001- (Four Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) to MSME Development Institute , Guwahati, during FY 2021-22 under Scheme Component S(F) International/National Seminars/Workshop- reg. 08/12/2021 Open Details
Corrigendum to Sanction Order No. 5(5)/2020-21/MS/EC/ Pt.1 dated 26.11.2021 for Sanction for an amount of Rs 12,05,000/- (Twelve Lakh Five Thousand Only) to MSME Development Institute, Cuttack, during FY 2021-22 under Scheme Component 5(8): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs I Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs I Exhibition by the Ministry I Office of DC(MSME) /Government Organization (Virtual Trade Fairs) 08/12/2021 Open Details
Sanction for amount of Rs 39,82,504/- (Thirty Nine Lakh Eighty Two Thousand Five Hundred and Four Only) to National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) Limited, New Delhi, for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fair held at Mohali (Punjab) during FY 2021-22 under Scheme Component 5 (A) : Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs/ exhibitions across the country: of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) - reg. 26/11/2021 Open Details
Sanction for amount of Rs 12,05,000/- (Twelve Lakh Five Thousand Only) to MSME Development Institute, Cuttack, during FY 2021-22 under Scheme Component 5(8): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs 1 Exhibitions and Participation in Trade Fairs 1 Exhibition by the Ministry 1 Office of DC(MSME) IGovernment Organization (Virtual Trade Fairs) - reg. 26/11/2021 Open Details
Sanction Orders for an amount of Rs 2,29,39,2781- (Two Crore Twenty Nine Lakh Thirty Nine Thousand and Two Hundred Seventy Eight Only) to National Small Industries Corporation(NSIC) Limited, New Delhi, for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fairs held across the country during FY 2019 -20 under Scheme Component 5 (A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs/ exhibitions across the country: of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) - reg 19/03/2021 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders to MSME-DI, Solan issued in FY 2019-20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(E) - Vendor Development Program and scheme component 5(G) -Organising Awareness Programmes - reg. 19/03/2021 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order no. 5(8)/2017 - sanction allocation dated 12.05.2017 for an amount of Rs 0.60 lakh ( Sixty thousand only) for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fairs held across the country during FY 2017 -18 under MATU Scheme (Revised) - reg. 17/03/2021 Open Details
Sanction to MSME-DI, Cuttack for an amount of Rs 40.00 lakh (Rs. Fourty lakh only) towards the expenditure in organizing National Trade Fair (Scheme Component: 5(B): Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs/Exhibition and participation in trade fairs/exhibitions by the Ministry/Office of DC (MSME)/Government organizations ) under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support (PMS) scheme"(Reviscd) - reg 11/03/2021 Open Details
Sanction to MSME-DI, Patna of an amount of Rs, 0.30 lakhs (Rs. Thirty thousands only) towards the expenditure in organizing the State Level Vendor Development Programme (Scheme Component: 5(E)) under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support (PMS) scheme"(Revised) - reg 01/03/2021 Open Details
Sanction Orders for an amount of Rs 1,21,93,419/- (Onc Crore Twenty One Lakhs Ninety Three Thousand Four Hundred Nineteen Only) to MSME - DIs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fairs held across the country during FY 2019 -20 under Scheme Component 5(A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairs/ exhibitions across the country of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) - reg. 26/02/2021 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order 5(2)/2019-20/MS/Minutes & Sanction dated 20.05.2019 for an amount of Rs. 2.0 Lakhs (Rs. Two Lakhs Only) to IGTR, Ahemadabad issued in FY 2019-20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(F)- National Seminars -reg 17/02/2021 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders to MSME-Dls issued in FY 2019-20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(B)Organizing Domestic Trade Fairs/Exhibition and participation in trade fairs/exhibitions by the Ministry/Office of DC (MSME)/Government organizations; Scheme Component 5(E): Vendor Development Program & Scheme Component 5(G) -Organising Awareness Programmes - reg. 17/02/2021 Open Details
Sanction and release of Govt. Of India (Gol) grant (non recurring) of fund of Rs. 115.05 Lakhs (Rupees One Hundred Fifteen Lakhs and Five Thousand only) to Export Promotion Council' for Handicrafts (EPCH) under Office of Development Commissioner (Handicraft), Ministry of Textile, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support (Revised)" towards participation of 300 Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in 1st National Toy Fair Virtual 2021 during the financial year 2020- 21. 11/02/2021 Open Details
Sanction of amount of Rs. 15,17,775/- (Rupees fifteen lakh Seventeen thousand seven hundred seventy five only) as full and final payment to India Trade Promotion Organization, New Delhi towards providing Hall No. 7E-DF with Air Conditioning facility and additional stalls in open space under shell scheme including Branding I ADVT/Hording from 14th - 27th November, 2018 for 38th IITF, 2018 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi - reg. 04/02/2021 Open Details
Sanction to MSME-DI , Kolkata for an amount of Rs 15.00 lakh (Rs fifteen lakh only) towards the expenditure in organizing National Trade Fair (Scheme Component: 5(B): Organizing Domestic Trade FairslExhibition and participation in trade fairs/exhibitions by the Ministry/Office of DC (MSME)lGovernment organizations ) under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support (PMS) schcme"(Revised) - reg 15/01/2021 Open Details
Sanction to MSME-Dls of an amount of Rs 60.43 lakh (Rs Sixty lakh forty three thousand only) towards the expenditure in organizing the International / National Seminars / Workshops ( Scheme Component: 5(F)) by MSME - DI , Allahabad and Awareness Programs (Scheme -Component : S(G)) on Safety and Standard related to various type Toys / Games by all MSME - Dls under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support (PMS) scheme"(Revised) - reg 13/01/2021 Open Details
Sanction of amount of Rs, 80,58,803/- (Rupees eighty lakh fifty eight thousand eight hundred three only) as full and Final payment to India Trade Promotion Organization, New Delhi towards payment for providing Hall No. 7-A&B and additional stalls along with Air· Conditioning facility under shell scheme from 14th - 27th November, 2019 for 39th IITF, 2019 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi - reg. 15/12/2020 Open Details
Sanction Orders for an amount of Rs 6,96,86,583/- (Six crore ninety six lakhs eighty six thousand five hundred eighty three only) to MSME - DIs for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterpdses (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fairs held across the country during FY 2019 -20 under Scheme Component 5 (A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairsl exhibitions across the country: of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) - reg. 15/12/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order No. 5(2)/2019-20/MS/ Minutes &Sanction dtd. 06.01.2020 of amount Rs 54,895/- (Fifty four thousand eight hundred ninety five only) issued during FY 2019-20 towards organizing Awareness Programs to MSME - DI Karnal & MSME - DI Patna under Procurement and Marketing Support (PMS) scheme - reg. 25/09/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order to MSME-DI, Kolkata issued in FY 2019-20 for an amount of Rs 40 Lakhs (Fourty Lakh only), for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(B) - Organising Domestic Trade Fairs/Exhibition and participation in trade fairs/exhibitions by the Ministry/Office of DC (MSME)/Government organisa tions 19/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders for an amount of Rs 79,28,559/- (Seventy Nine lakhs Twenty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Nine only) for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fairs held across the country during FY 2019 -20 under Scheme Component 5 (A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairsl exhibitions across the country: of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) - reg. 15/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders for an amount of Rs 1,34,24,796/- (One Crore Thirty Four Lakhs Twenty. Four Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety Six only) for reimbursement to Micro, Small Enterprises (MSEs) participated in Domestic Trade Fairs held across the country during FY 2019 -20 under' Scheme Component 5 (A): Participation of individual MSEs in domestic trade fairsl exhibitions across the country: of the Procurement and Marketing Support scheme (Revised) - reg. 12/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order 5(2)/2019-20/MS/Minutes & Sanction dated 02/03/2020 for an amount of Rs. 20.0 Lakhs (Rs. Twenty Lakhs rupees only) to IGTR- Indore issued in FY 2019-20,for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support (Revised) towards 'Scheme component 5(B) -Organising Domestic Trade Fair/Exhibition & Participation in Trade Fairs/Exhibitions by the Ministry /Office of DC(MSME) /Government organisations. 12/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders to NSIC issued in FY 2019-20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(F) - Organising National Seminar/Workshop and 5(G) -Organising Awareness Programmes 12/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order 5(2)/2019-20/MS/Minutes & Sanction dated 02/03/2020 for an amount of Rs. 40.0 Lakhs (Rs. Forty Lakhs rupees only) to PPDC- Agra issued in FY 2019- 20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(B) -Organising Domestic Trade FairlExhibition & Participation in Trade Fairs/Exhibitions by the Ministry /Office of DC(MSME) /Government organisations. 12/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order S(2)/2019-20/MS/Minutes & Sanction dated 13/01/2020 for an amount of Rs. 40.0 Lakhs (Rs. Forty Lakhs rupees only) to Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation(TSIIC) issued in FY 2019-20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(B) -Organising Domestic Trade Fair/Exhibition & Participation in Trade Fairs/Exhibitions by the Ministry IOffice of DC(MSME)/Government organisations 12/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Orders to NSIC issued in FY 2019-20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Suppcrrt'(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(F) - Organising National Seminar/Workshop and 5(G) -Organising Awareness Programmes 12/06/2020 Open Details
Revalidation of Sanction Order to MSME-Dls issued in FY 2019-20, for the expenditure under Scheme "Procurement & Marketing Support"(Revised) towards Scheme component 5(F) - Organising National Seminar/Workshop and 5(G) -Organising Awareness Programmes 12/06/2020 Open Details