New Technology Centers

Nature of assistance /benefits under the Scheme:

The scheme envisage establishment of new Technology Centre (TC) and Extension Centre (ECs) at an estimated total outlay of the scheme is revised at Rs. 3500 crores ( Rs. 2500 crores for Technology Centre (TC) and Rs. 1000 crores for Extension Centre (ECs) (i.e Rs. 125 crores for per Technology Centre TC and 10 crores for per Extension Centre (ECs)).

After implementation of the scheme, Technology Centres/Extension Centres would provide Technological, incubation and business advisory support to the lndustry specially MSMEs and skilling services to the employed/unemployed skill seekers of the catchment area on self sustainable basis. The services provided by the TCs/ECs helps to enhance competitiveness of MSMEs, employability of skilled manpower, creation of new MSMEs which also lead to employment generation.

While most of the services provided by TCs/ECs are on chargeable basis, concessions are provided to Various categories as per the Central/State guidelines and schemes implemented by these Centres


(i) For establishment of 20 new Technology centres, State Governments of identified locations have to provide 20 acre land free of cost to this Ministry. All respective State Governments have been requested to allot the land..
(ii) 100 Extension Centres are to be established in vacant built up spaces of State Government/any other Government agency. All State Government and Union Territories have been requested to provide details of the vacant built up spaces. State Governments may inform about the availability of built up space (to be provided free of cost) for establishment of Extension Centres.
(iii) All other activities and investment shall be carried out by office of Development commissioner, MSME for establishment and operationalization of Technology Centres / Extension Centres after preparation of Detailed Project Reports(DPRs) in consultation with local industry and other stake holders including State Governments.
(iv) Possibilities of establishment of Technology Centres / Extension Centres through ppp mode is under consideration.


To establish 20 new Technology Centres (TCs) (earlier known as Tool Room/Technology Development Centres) and 100 Extension Centres (ECs) throughout the country to further increase the geographic footprint of Technology Centres network through future ready new TCs with vertical as well as horizontal expansion to cover more states /regions.

It is estimated that after establishment of these new TCs/ECs, an additional capacity of skilling 4 lakh trainees and assisting one lakh MSMEs will be created to provide technology, incubation, skilling and advisory support to the lndustry in the country, enabling increased competitiveness of the MSMEs, creation of new MSMEs and enhancement in the employability of the employed/unemployed youth in the country.

Contact Person

Contact:Kuldip Singh, Dy. Director (TCEC), O/o DC MSME
Email: :

ZED Scheme
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