Technology Centres
(Earlier Known as Tool Rooms & Technology Development Centres)

Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME) in its endeavor to provide technological and skilled manpower support to the micro, small and medium enterprises, has established Technology Centers across the country as Autonomous Bodies under Societies Registration Act. Many of them were established under bilateral collaboration with Governments of Germany, Denmark and UNIDO/ UNDP. These were earlier known as Tool Rooms and Technology Development Centres
Out of 18 Technology Centres (TCs), 10 TCs (earlier known as Tool Rooms) are engaged in designing and manufacturing of quality tools, dies, moulds etc to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs in national & international markets. These Tool Rooms also conduct training programmes in the areas of Tool & Die Making, to provide skilled manpower to MSMEs.
The remaining 8 Technology Centres, (earlier known as Technology Development Centres) are product specific Centres to support MSMEs. These TCs render technical services to develop and upgrade technologies, processes and products apart from manpower development and training in the specific product groups like Foundry & Forging, Electronics, Electrical Measuring Instruments, Fragrance & Flavour, Glass, Sport Goods, and footwear designing to support these sectors.

A total of 18 Autonomous Bodies fall within the purview of Development Commissioner (MSME). "A complete list of websites is as below".

CTR & TC, Kolkata
CTR, Ludhiana
CITD, Hyderabad
CIHT, Jalandhar
IGTR, Indore
IGTR, Ahmedabad
IGTR, Aurangabad
CTR & TC, Bhubaneswar
IDTR, Jamshedpur
TRTC, Guwahati
IDEMI, Mumbai
ESTC, Ramnagar
CFTI, Agra
CFTI, Chennai
PPDC, Agra
PPDC, Meerut
FFDC, Kannauj
CDGI, Firozabad