Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 29,00,000/- to MSME-TCs, TSs & Br.
MSME-DFO under the object head Materials & Supplies
(2851 .00.001 .05.01 .21) for the year 2024-25. |
15/10/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 70,00,000/- to MSME-Testing Centres
& Testing Stations and Br- DFO, Coimbatore under the object head
Repairs and Maintenance (2851. for the year 2024-25. |
15/10/2024 |
Open Details |
Approval for additional civil & electrical works and financial sanction of
Rs. 1,32,58,909/- towards construction of new office building for Br. DFO,
Gulbarga.. |
14/10/2024 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction and allocation of Rs. 3,34,41,091/-towards
Construction of new office building for MSME-Testing Centre,
Ne Delhi. |
14/10/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for Rs 1,36,83,343/-to MSME-DFOs/Br.
DFOs/TCs/Tss Minor Civil & Electric work for FY 2024-25 - reg. |
10/09/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for Rs 5,21.,95,043/-to MSME-DFOs/Br.
DFOs/TCs/TSs Minor Civil & Electric work for FY 2024-25 - reg. |
10/09/2024 |
Open Details |
Revalidation & Annual Maintenance Conkact (AMC) sanction and allocation
of fund for an amount of Rs 1,26,64,260/-to MSME-DFOS/TCs for Minor Civil &
Electric work for FY 2024-25 - reg. |
09/10/2024 |
Open Details |
Administrative Approval and sanction for fund of Rs 28,34,881/-
(Rupees Twenty Eight Lakh Thirty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred Eighty-one only)
(2851.{.1 3) during the current FY 2024'25-reg. |
27/09/2024 |
Open Details |
Revalidation Sanction and allocation of fund for an amount of < 85,74,'1.44/-to
MSME-DFOs/Br.DFOs/fCsASs for Minor Civil & Electric work for FY 2024-
25 - reg |
10/09/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs, 28,828/- (Rupees Twenty-Eight Thousand Eight
Hundred and Twenty-Eight only) to MSME-DFO Karnal for payment towards operation &
maintenance charges of Solar Power Plant under Object Head "Minor Civil & Electric work
(2851. )" -reg |
20/08/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for Rs 16,44,569/- to MSME-DFOs for Minor
Civil & Electric work for FY 2O24-25 - reg |
12/08/2024 |
Open Details |
Administrative Approval and Sanction for fund of rs 18,83,982/-
(Rupees Eighteen Lakh Eighty-Three Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-Two Only) to
MSME-DFOs, Br. MSME-DFOs, MSME-TCs and MSME-TSs under OE head
(2851. during the current FY 2024-25 reg
07/08/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for 2,21,59,358/-to MSME-DFOs/Br. DFOs
Minor Civil & Electric work for FY 2024-25 - reg. |
12/07/2024 |
Open Details |
Revalidation Sanction and allocation of fund for an amount of 1,75,28,358/-to
MSME-DFOs/Br. DFOs for Minor Civil & Electric work for FY 2024-25 - reg. |
12/07/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for 1,36,60,157/-to MSME-DFOs/Br.DFOs
Minor Civil & Electric work for FY 2024-25 - reg. |
12/07/2024 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction and allocation of Rs 3.33 Crores towards
Construction of new office building for MSME-Testing Centre, New Delhi. |
14/05/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 2,06,411/- (Rupees Two Lakh Six Thousand
and Four Hundred Eleven only) to MSME-DFOs/TCs/Br. MSME-DFOs for payment towards operation & maintenance charges of Solar Power Plant under Object Head "Minor Civil & Electric work (2851.00.001 .05.01 .27)" from Vote of Account of FY 2024-
25 in respect of Demand No. 68 of Ministry of MSME. |
05/06/2024 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 47,85,891/- out of previous Sanction of Rs.
48,92,801/- issued during the year 2023-24 to MSME-Testing Centre,Ahmedabad under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851.00.1 in Financial year 2024-25. |
08/05/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds and revised allocation under the object head Material &
Supplies (2851. for the current Financiat year 2023-24-reg. |
27/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds and revised allocation under the object head lnformation,
Computer, Telecommunication (lCT) Equipment (4851 . ) for the
current Financial Y ear 2023-24-reg. |
27/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds and revised allocation under the object head Repair and
Maintenance (2851. .29) for the current Financial Year 2023-24-reg. |
27/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds and revised allocation under the object head lnfra.-O.E.
(2851.00.001 .05.01 .13) for the current Financial Year 2023-24-reg. |
26/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds and revised allocation under the object head Minor Civil
and Electric Works (2851.00.001 .05.01.27) for the current Financial Year 2023-
24-reg. |
26/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds and revised allocation under the object head Machinery &
Equipment (4851. for the current Financial Year 2023-24-reg. |
24/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds and revised allocation under the object head Furniture and
Fixtures (4851 . for the current Financial Year 2023-24-reg. |
24/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds under the object head Buildings and Structures
(4851 . from MSME-DFO, Mumbai for the current FY 2023-24-reg. |
24/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of amount Rs
object head Minor civil
financial yeat 2023-24.
8,00,000/- from MSME- DFO, Ahmedabad under the
and electric Works (2851 .00.001 .05.01.27) during |
15/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of amount Rs. 24,00,000/- from Branch MSME- DFO, Siliguri
under the object head Buildings and Structures (4851. for
financial year 2023-24.. |
11/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction & allocation of Rs. 15,00,000/' to MSMEDFO,
Mumbai for construction of Multipurpose Exhibition'cum-
Convention Center-reg. |
07/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and Expenditure sanction of Rs. 77,51,00,000/-
to MSME-DFO, Mumbai for construction of Multipurpose Exhibition- cum-
Convention Center. |
06/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation offund Rs. 43,41,450 (Forty-three lakhs forty-one thousand
four hundred and lifty only) for purchase of Staffcar / Office Car by MSME field
offices against the condemned/Disposed of old office old vehicles-reg.. |
04/03/2024 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction of Rs. 8,00,000/- for preparation of
concept drawing and 3D Walk through for Establishment of Multipurpose
Permanent Exhibition cum Convention Center at the land of MSME-DFO
Mumbai. |
26/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of amount Rs. 19,30,706/- from MSME- Testing Station,
Hyderabad under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851.00.1 for financial year 2023-24. |
23/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds from TC Patna under object head Supplies &
Material (2851.00.001. 05.01.21) during FY 2023-24 -reg.. |
23/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 5,00,000/- to MSME - Testing Centre,
Chennai under the object head Materials & Supplies
(2851 .00.001 .05.01.21) for the current financial year 2023-24. |
21/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction for fund of Rs 17,62,9611- (Rupees
Seventeen Lakh Sixty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-One Only) for purchase of Office
equipment/ furniture/ items, etc. for Branch MSME-DFO, Pune under the Object Head OE
lnfrastructure (2851. during the FY 2023-24-reg. |
16/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Approval for Rs. 10,80,983/- to Branch MSME-DFO, Siliguri for carrying
out horticulture work. |
12/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of amount Rs. 49,00,000/- from MSME- Testing Centre,
Chennai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851 .00.1 for financial year 2023-24 |
02/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Withdrawal of funds from TC Mumbai under obiect head Repair and
Maintenance (2851. .29) during FY 2023-24 reg. |
01/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 6,00,000/- to MSME-TC Chennai under
the object head Repair and Maintenance (2851. during FY
2023-24 -reg.. |
01/02/2024 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction of Rs 2.38 Crores towards Construction
of new office building for MSME-Testing Centre, New Delhi. |
29/01/2024 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs. 8,28,280/-
to Branch MSME- DFO, Siliguri under the object head lnformation,
Computer, Telecommunication (ICT) Equipment (4851.00'102'33'00'71) for
Financial year 2023-24.. |
20/12/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs. 14,07,885/-
to Branch MSME- DFO, Siliguri under the object head Furnitures and
Fixtures (4851. for Financial year 2023-24. |
20/12/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 25,000/-
Coimbatore under the object head
(2851 . ) for the year 2023-24. |
20/12/2023 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction of Rs. 1,50,00,000/- towards construction
of new office building for Branch DFO Gulbarga. |
20/11/2023 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of sanction and allocation of Rs 20,64,706 (Rupees twenty lakh
sixty-four thousand seven hundred and six only) to MSME-DFO, Dimapur for
the FY 2023-24 reg. |
30/10/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for Rs 86,39,198/- (Rupees eighty-six lakh thirty
nine thousand and one hundred & ninety eight only) to MSME-DFOs/Br. DFOs
Minor Civil & Electric work (2851. Grant No.68 for Fy 2023-24 -
reg. |
23/10/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction order for an amount of ₹ 1,44,91,473/- under Object Head “Minor Civil & Electric work -2851.” Grant No.68 for FY 2023-24. |
15/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs.4,44,512 lto
MSME- DFO, Solan under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851.00.1 for Financial year 2023-24. |
11/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs.12,68,2771-
to MSME- Testing Station, Puducherry under the object head Machinery
and Equipments (4851 . for Financial year 2023-24.. |
11/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs. 16,27,464/-
to MSME- Testing Centre, Kolkata under the object head Machinery and
Equipments (4851.00.1 for Financial year 2023-24. |
11/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs.4,44,512 lto
MSME- DFO, Jammu & Kashmir under the object head Machinery and
Equipments (4851.00.1 for Financiat yeat ZO23-24 |
11/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs.36,75,795 /-
to MSME- Testing Station, Hyderabad under the object head Machinery
and Equipments (4851 . for Financial year 2023-24. |
11/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs. 48,92,801/-
to MSME- Testing Centre, Ahmedabad under the object head Machinery
and Equipments (4851. for Financial year 2023-24. |
11/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs. 49,00,000/-
to MSME- Testing Centre, Chennai under the object head Machinery and
Equipments (4851 .00.1 for Financial year 2023-24. |
11/09/2023 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction of Rs. 63,31,000 /- towards construction
of new office building for Branch MSME - DFO, Siliguri |
28/08/2023 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction of Rs. 18,00,000/- towards construction of
new office building for DFO, Ahmedabad |
16/08/2023 |
Open Details |
Approval for conversion of electrical connection from LT to HT and
financial sanction of Rs. 1,91,74,419/- towards construction of new office
building for DFO, Visakhapatnam. |
10/07/2023 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of sanction order for total Rs 5,98,50,742/- under Object Head "Minor Civil
& Electric work -2851." Grant No.68 for FY 2023-24. |
04/07/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of RS. 2,06,411 /- to MSME-DFOs/TCs/Br. MSME-DFOs
for payment towards annual operation & maintenance charges of Solar Power Plant
installed under Object Head "Minor Civil & Elechic work -2851,." Grant
No.68 for FY 2023-24. |
28/06/2023 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction of Rs 4.00 Crores (Rupees Four Crores
only) towards Construction of new office building for MSME-Testing
Centre, New Delhi.. |
27/06/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 1,20,00,000/- to MSME-Testing
Centres & Testing Stations and Br- DFO, Coimbatore under the object
head Repairs and Maintenance (2851. for the year 2023-
24. |
27/06/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 66,02,683/- to MSME-TCs & TSs under
the object head Materials & Supplies (2851. .21) for the year
2023-24. |
18/04/2023 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 1,27,44,000/- out of previous sanction of Rs.
1,84,52,2011- issued during the year 2022-23 to MSME_Testing Centre,
Chennai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851 .00,1 in Financiat year 2023-24. |
18/04/2023 |
Open Details |
sanction and allocation of fund for Rs 4,17,44,524 to MSME-DFos/TCs/Tss under
the "Minor Civil & Electrical work, repair & maintcnance and Material supply
for MSME-TCs/TSs/DFOs/workshops (Revcnue)-Minor Civil & Electric work
(2851." Grant No.68 for Fy 2023-24 - reg. |
07/06/2023 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of sanction ordcr for total 106,52,209 undcr object Head "Minor
Civil & Elcctrical work, rcpair & maintenance and Material Supply for MSME-
TCs/TSs/DFOs/Workshops (Revenue)-(Minor civil & Electric Work)
(2851.00.001 .05 .01 .27)' Grant No.G8 for Fy 2023-24. |
07/06/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 46,000/- to MSME-Testing Centre,
Kolkata under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.08.27) for the year
2022-23. |
27/03/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 10,85,0001- to MSME-Testing
Centre, Chennai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2022-23. |
20/02/2023 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval for amount Rs. 5,60,606/- to MSME- Testing
Centre, Chennai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2022-23. |
20/02/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 9,570/- to MSME- Testing Centre,
Ahmedabad under the object head Supplies & Material
(2851. for the year 2022-23. |
13/02/2023 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs 2,81,1791- to MSME-DFOs/TCs for payment towards
annual operation & maintenance charges of Solar Power PIant installed-reg. |
20/09/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of balance fund of Rs. 15,62,975/- to MSME-DFO, Kolkata to
complete the ongoing work under object head Minor-Works (2851.
during the FY 2022-23. |
16/09/2022 |
Open Details |
sanction and allocation of fund for Rs. 51,19,717l- to MSME-DFOs/TCs/TSs under the
object head Minor-Works (2851 .00.102'99.08.27) during the FY 2022-23 |
13/09/2022 |
Open Details |
Administratrve Approval and Sanction for fund of 15,44,215/(
Rupees Fifteen Lakh forty four thousand two hundred fifteen only) to
MSME-DFOs: Br. DFOs, TCs and TSs under OE head
(2851.00.1 during FY 2022-23-reg. |
05/09/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for Rs. 3,53,81,553/- to MSME-DFOs/TCs/TSs under
the object head Minor-Works (2851 . during the FY 2022-23 |
04/08/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund for Rs. 2,70,99,487/- to MSME-DFOs/TCs/TSs under
the object head Minor-Works (2851. the FY 2022-23. |
12/07/2022 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of sanction order for Rs. 1,10,74,8071- out of Rs. 2,05,91,186/sanctioned
to MSME-DFOsITCs during the FY 2021-22 under the object head MinorWorks
(2851. in the current FY 2022-23. |
12/07/2022 |
Open Details |
Administrative Approval and Sanction of fund of Rs. 27,81,5351- (Rupees Twenty Seven Lakh Eighty One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Five Only) to MSMEDFOs/Br. DFOs & TCs/TSs under OE Infrastructure Support for FY 2021-22- reg. |
06/07/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 1,15,45,9091- to MSME-Testing Centres &
Testing Stations under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) for
the year 2022-23. |
30/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 2,10,59,9491- to MSME-Testing
Station, Bhopal under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2022-23. |
22/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 85,86,221/- to MSME-Testing
Centre, Kolkata under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2022-23. |
22/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 13,88,280/- to MSMEDevelopment
Institute, Thrissur under the object head Machinery and
Equipments (4851. for financial year 2022-23 |
22/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 18,500/- to MSME- Development
Institute, Jammu under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for financial year 2022-23 |
22/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 29,95,1711- to Branch MSMEDevelopment
Institute, Coimbatore under the object head Machinery and
Equipments (4851. for Financial year 2022-23 |
22/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 1,84,52,201/- to MSME-Testing
Centre, Chennai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2022-23. |
21/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 4,98,979/- to MSME-Testing
Centre, Mumbai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2022-23. |
21/06/2022 |
Open Details |
Approval for financial sanction of Rs 3.00 Crores (Rupees Three Crores
only) towards Construction of new office building for MSME-Testing
Centre, New Delhi. |
31/05/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 1, 50, 00, 000/- to MSME-Dis/TCs/TSs for
Swachhta Action Plan under the object head OE (SAP) (2851.00.1 for the FY
2022-23. |
25/05/2022 |
Open Details |
Approval to incur expenditure of Rs.. 1,30,000/- to MSME- DI, Patna under
OE. |
11/05/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 92.0 Lacs to MSME-DI, Patna under the object head
Major-Works (4851. during the FY 2022-23. |
06/05/2022 |
Open Details |
Administrative Approval and Sanction of fund of Rs.31 ,74,200/- (Rupees Thirty
One Lakh Seventy Four Thousand Two Hundred Only) to MSME-Dls & TC under OE
Infrastructure Support for FY 2022-23- reg.Corrigendum |
21/04/2022 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs. 74,72,048/-
to MSME- Testing Centre, Patna under the object head Machinery and
Equipments (4851. for Financial year 2022-23. |
13/04/2022 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for an amount Rs.
42,04,340/- to MSME- Testing Centre, Dimapur under the object head
Machinery and Equipments (4851.00.1 for Financial year
2022-23 |
13/04/2022 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for amount Rs. 52,15,614/ to
MSME- Testing Centre, Ahmedabad under the object head Machinery
and Equipments (4851. for Financial year 2022-22. |
08/04/2022 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 5,00,000/- to MSME-TC Chennai under the
object head Supplies & Material (2851. for the year 2021-
23/12/2021 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval for Rs 39,99,39,000/- (Rupees Thirty Nine crores
Ninety Nine lakhs Thirty Nine Thousand Only) and financial sanction for
Rs 2.80 Crores (Rupees Two Crores Eighty lakh only) towards
Construction of new office building for MSME-Testing Centre, New Delhi.
08/12/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 53,026/- out of previous sanction of Rs. 1,50,0001- for Swachhta related activities at MSME-DI, Kanpur in FY 2020-21 from current FY 2021-22 - .reg
11/11/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 1,48,352- to MSME-DIs for payment towards annual operation & maintenancecharges of Solar Power Plant installed - .reg
14/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 11,49,3261- to Branch MSMEDevelopment
Institute, Coimbatore under the object head Machinery and
Equipments (4851. for Financial year 2021-22. -reg. |
05/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 6,45,460/- to MSME- Testing
Station, Jaipur under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2021-22. -reg. |
05/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 1,06,87,0511- to MSME-Testing
Station, Puducherry under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2021-22 -reg. |
05/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 86,73,555/- to MSME-Testing
Station, Bangalore under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2021-22. -reg. |
05/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 1,07,80,5561- to MSME-Testing
Centre, Mumbai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2021-22. -reg. |
05/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 1,90,53,6311- to MSME-Testing
Centre, Kolkata under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial year 2021-22 -reg. |
05/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 98,43,906/- to MSME-Testing
Centre, Chennai under the Oqj~C~f head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for Financial. year 2021-22. -reg. |
05/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for Construction of new
office building for MSME-DI at Visakhapatnam with Ground Floor +3
floors -reg. |
01/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 1,88,23,594/- to MSME-Dls under the
object head Minor-Works (2851. during the FY 2021-22. |
01/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of fund of Rs. 86,35,535/- issued during FY 2020-21 to MSMEDis
under the object Minor Works (2851. in the current FY
2021-22. |
01/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of amount Rs. 25,61,4001- to MSME-Testing
Station, Kolhapur under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102.
99.01.27) for Financial year 2021-22. |
01/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 16,00,000/- out of previous Sanction of Rs.
26,88,400/- issued during the year 2020-21 to MSME-Testing Station,
Bangalore under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) in
Financial year 2021-22. |
01/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 18,78,901/- to MSME-Testing Centre,
Kolkata under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) for
Financial year 2021-22. |
01/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 7,18,7251- out of previous Sanction of Rs.
9,03,300/- issued during the year 2020-21 to MSME-Testing Centre,
Chennai under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) in
Financial year 2021-22. |
01/10/2021 |
Open Details |
Administrative Approval and Sanction of fund of Rs.16,22,083/- (Rupees
Sixteen Lakh Twenty Two Thousand Eighty Three Only) to MSME-Dls under OE
Infrastructure Support for FY 2021-22- reg. |
30/09/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 14,67,920/- out of previous Sanction of Rs.
23,80,535/- issued during the year 2020-21 to MSME-Testing Centre, New
Delhi under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. in Financial year 2021-22 |
22/09/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 44,66,300/- of sanction issued during the year
2020-21 to MSME-Testing Centre, New Delhi under the object head
Machinery and Equipments (4851. in Financial year 2021-
22. |
22/09/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 16,50,442/- out of previous Sanction of Rs.
2,14,76,234/- issued during the year 2020-21 to MSME-Testing Centre,
New Delhi under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. in Financial year 2021-22. |
22/09/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 40,76,979/- to MSME-TCs & TSs and
Br.MSME-DI Coimbatore under the object head Supplies & Material
(2851. for the year 2021-22. |
12/08/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 1,06,43,777/- to MSME-Testing Centres/
Testing Stations and MSME-Dis under the object head Minor-Works
(2851.00.1 02. 99.01.27) for the year 2021-22. |
29/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Administrative approval and financial sanction for Construction of New
Office Building (G+2) of Br. MSME-DI, Gulbarga which includes Internal
Water Supply, Sanitary installation, drainage and development works,
providing lEI & fans and street lighting -reg |
18/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Administrative Approval and Sanction for fund of Rs.53, 01,202/- to
MSME-Dis, Br. Dis, TCs and TSs under OE head (2851.
during FY 2021-22-reg. |
17/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 3,34,53,000/- to MSME-Dis/Br.-Dis
under the object head Major Works (4851. during the FY
2021-22-reg. |
17/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of fund for Rs. 1,85,70,778/- In the current FY 2021-22 towards
sanction issued during FY 2020-21 to MSME-Dis under the object Minor
Works (2851.00.1 |
08/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 9,38, 15,113/- to MSME-Dis/Br.-Dis
under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) during the FY
2021-22. |
08/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 14,66,985/- out of previous Sanction of Rs.
26,45,995/- issued during the year 2020-21 to MSME-Testing Centre,
Kolkata under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) in
Financial year 2021-22. |
08/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 1,69,94,816/- out of previous Sanction of Rs.
2,14,46,115/- issued during the year 2020-21 to MSME-Testing Centre,
Kolkata under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) in
Financial year 2021-22. |
08/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 2,03,45,790/- to MSME-TCs & TSs
under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.1 02. 99.01.27) for the year
2021-22. |
08/06/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs.12400/- out of previous sanction of Rs.286000/for
Swachhta related activities at MSME-DI, Indore in FY 2020-21 from
current FY 2021-22 |
19/05/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 4.00 Cr. to MSME-01, Ahemedabad under
the object head Major Works (4851.00.102. 33.00.53) Grant No.67 for the FY
2021-22. |
04/05/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 1, 16,00,000/-(0ne Crore and Sixteen Lakhs only)
to MSME-Dis/TCs/TSs & Br.DI, Balsheyog for Swachhta Action Plan under the object head OE
(SAP) (2851 . for the FY 2021-22. |
03/05/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 44,66,300/- to MSME-Testing Centre, New
Delhi towards purchase of Toy Testing Machinery & Equipments for the
Financial year 2020-21. |
17/03/2021 |
Open Details |
Revalidation of amount Rs. 19950/- out of previous sanction of Rs.
5,42,299/- for Swachhta related activities at MSME-DI, Chennai during FY
2019-20 |
17/03/2021 |
Open Details |
Corrigendum of Sanctions and Reauthorization of funds under object
Head Minor Works (2851. -reg. |
08/03/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 98,742/- to MSME-DI, Guwahati under
the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) during the FY 2020-
21. |
02/03/2021 |
Open Details |
Corrigendum of Sanctions and Reauthorization of funds under object Head
Minor Works (2851. -reg. |
02/03/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 23,80,535/- to MSME-Testing Centre, New
Delhi under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851. for the Financial year 2020-21. |
01/02/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 13,20,000/- to MSME-Testing Centre, New
Delhi under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851.00.1 for the Financial year 2020-21. |
27/01/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of Rs. 48,21,165/- to MSME-Testing Centre,
Chennai under the object head Machinery and Equipments
(4851.00.1} during Financial year 2020-21. |
27/01/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 8,00,000/- to MSME-Testing Station,
Banglore under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) for the
year 2020-21 |
18/01/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 64,094/- for Annual O&M charges for Solar Power
Plant installed at MSME- Testing Centre, Mumbai under the object head Minor-Works
(2851.00.102. 99.01.27) for the year 2020-21. |
18/01/2021 |
Open Details |
Sanction and allocation of fund Rs. 1,98,4651- to MSME-DI, Guwahati
under the object head Minor-Works (2851.00.102. 99.01.27) during the FY
2020-21. |
28/12/2020 |
Open Details |